Being Honest

As soon as I hit the ‘post’ button on Facebook, I had immediately regretted it. The burning sensation of utter embarrassment rippled through my body. For the love of Pete! Why did I do that?!? I hung my head in shame, laying it on my cool desk hoping to alleviate the burning in my flushed face. Within those first few seconds of self-loathing, rang the first “PING” letting me know the damage had been done. Someone had seen my photo. To my surprise, although it was one “ping”, there were already several comments and reactions to my photo…and it was nothing but love. From a simple “<3”, to being told that I am “amazing”, “strong”…”beautiful”.

Selfie with Boys_no NIKE with Logo

It’s a brutally honest photo…from bruised legs to a makeup free face, its me.

Ever since the birth of my twin sons, I’ve never felt like “me”. My stomach muscles are split; stomach skin so stretched that I often refer to it as my “wind sail”. I won’t even go on to describe the other parts of me that stay hidden behind layers of clothing. But then…I am no longer “me”. I am a better version of the “me” I once was. My body simply tells the story of the path life has taken me on.

To the women who responded with encouraging words, I cannot thank you enough. To the men who even ‘liked’ the photo or reacted to it in some way…you are a blessing.

In comparison, here is a self-portrait I did a few months ago. It goes to show that we all have our demons. Be brave. Love yourself. Love those around you, for you don’t know what story they may be hiding.


2 responses to “Being Honest

  1. Lady, I love that you put your sail out. It’s this kind of honesty, dare I say authenticity, that needs to be seen and heard. So proud of you, Danielle. You are woman. Let’s hear you roar. Rawwr.

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